Thursday, December 24, 2009

Tomatoe Jam (sweet and spicy)

3 pounds tomatoes chopped  I used 2pounds of
inexpensive tomatoes and 1 pound of cherry tomatoes
I think any tomatoes would work
1 or 3/4 cup sugar
1 tsp cinnamon
1 or 1/2 tsp crushed red peppers

wash tomatoes

chop and put in lg  pot

stirring bring to boil for 5 min

simmer 30 min or more to thicken

let cool and store in frig. We enjoy ours with
Ritz crackers. Also good on toast or used like a chutney
with your choice of meat.

Merry Christmas to everyone from my family.
Thank You Eyvvone for the recipe!


  1. Oh, that looks yummy.. We make lots of fresh salsa.

  2. you have to give it a try some time.. it is very sweet not like a salsa, I was growing a garden last year to make my own salsa. I dont have time this year.

    Happy New Year to you and your family Kim. May your year be full of finished quilts. Natalie
